Candidates Were Invited by 6 Provinces from September 22 to September 29

By admin (May 21, 2024)

Candidates Were Invited by 6 Provinces from September 22 to September 29

Candidates were invited by 6 provinces from September 22 to September 29, namely, Ontario, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Manitoba, and Alberta.

Except for Quebec and Nunavut, Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) are operated by all the other Canadian provinces and territories for selecting economic immigrant candidates who can contribute to the economy of Canada.

There is an agreement between the federal government and the French-speaking province Quebec which is very unique. Quebec has total autonomy in what type of candidates, and how many candidates are invited for permanent selection because of this agreement. Quebec is the only province with French as its first official language, which is why it has gained its status as a distinct society in Canada.

Provincial Immigration Results September 22 to 29


Candidates were invited by Ontario this week under the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program. On September 26, from the Express Entry Human Capital Priorities stream, 1,696 notifications of interest (NOIs) were issued by Ontario to PNP candidates. Healthcare professionals who were targeted in this draw had a minimum score ranging between 350 and 462.

Notifications were issued to the general practitioners, nursing coordinators, supervisors, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, patient service associates, and nurse aids. 

British Columbia

More than 204 PNP candidates were invited by British Columbia in its weekly draw. Four targeted draws were held by the province for International Graduate candidates and Skilled Workers (including Express Entry candidates) on September 26.

A minimum Skills Immigration Registration System (SIRS) score of 90 was required by the largest draw which was held for candidates in a tech profession. 49 early childhood educators and assistants, and 28 healthcare professionals were invited by the remaining three draws. The province also invited less than five candidates in other priority occupations. In all three draws, a minimum SIRS score of 60 was needed by the candidates.


1,018 regular skilled worker candidates were invited by Quebec in the most recent Arrima draw results to apply for permanent selection. Candidates were targeted in a variety of occupations from tech, healthcare, and teaching occupations among others so it cannot be considered a general draw. Eligible candidates needed a level 7 oral proficiency in French and a score of 579 points.

New Brunswick

New Brunswick released the results of the Provincial Express Entry program for August. The province typically releases all draw results for the month at the same time. Through three separate PNP streams, 175 Express Entry candidates were invited by the province in August. As compared to July, nearly 90 fewer invitations were issued by this draw. 

130 people were invited through the New Brunswick Student Connection stream, 71 people were invited through the New Brunswick Occupation-in-demand connection, and 58 people were invited through the New Brunswick Employment Connection stream.


Through the Dedicated Healthcare Pathway with Alberta job offer, a draw was held by Alberta and invited 18 Express Entry candidates on September 26. Candidates who were participating in this draw were also in the federal Express Entry pool and cut-off Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score of 311 was to be considered.

In the last draw for dedicated healthcare candidates, 16 candidates were invited. Alberta has reported an expected allocation of 1,462 invitations in 2023 for candidates in this stream.


In a strategic recruitment draw in the Skilled Workers Overseas category, 1,072 candidates were invited on September 28. The province has considered the candidates who indicated that they are working in a regulated occupation and are fully licensed to work in Manitoba. For applying to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) under a Strategic Recruitment Initiative, this draw has not considered the candidates who have received an invitation.

Canada Immigration News will bring you all the latest updates regarding the Provincial Nominee Program and Express Entry Canada. Tune in to learn more about the immigration landscape.